Teamwork does Matter
No matter how qualified or how skilled people think they are in accomplishing a certain task or responsibility, there will always be occasions where they find that they are unable to do certain duties all by themselves. No matter how strong they pride us as being, for example, most will nonetheless still have a difficult time attempting to carry a whole wardrobe. No matter how smart they are, or how high their IQs are, they would still not be able to finish a load of reports due within the next hour. For this, they often find that they would need to rely on the help of other people around them.
Most people who view themselves as being independent often would like to say that they do not need to rely on the help of other people, and that they are more than perfectly capable of managing tasks without their aid. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. But more fortunately, needing the help of other people does not necessarily imply that the person is inadequate at performing his or her duties. Asking for assistance is not something that people should be ashamed of. In fact, working together in teams is encouraged not only to increase the camaraderie and the working relationships between one another, but also to further improve your social skills and your personal values as an individual.
In the workplace, the bulk of responsibilities and tasks do not fall under one person alone – it falls under a group of people working for someone assigned as their leader. If the work is poorly done, or is left unfinished, the full blame does not rest entirely on the leader alone, but on the whole team. Leaders have to learn to delegate tasks and encourage his members to complete them before the required deadline, but must also learn not to shirk away from doing some of the work himself. By letting his members know that he is fully prepared to work hand in hand with them for the duration of the project, the leader is able to encourage his members to do more work. In the same way, members who see their leaders working hard also tend to work harder themselves. Each member may possess different strengths and weaknesses that the leader can take advantage, and can assign jobs to each that would either compliment their strengths, or help to improve their weaknesses. This way, not only will the job be completed faster, it will also be of better quality.
Learning to work together as a team, however, does not have to be limited t the workplace. Working together is still a good asset to learn when working with family members of friends to accomplish a certain goal. Whether it is something as simple as cooking a large dinner, or to something more complicated as starting up a new business, teamwork is always important to ensure that things get done, and get done better.
Due to the differences among people, there will always be a certain amount of conflict when working together, and this cannot be entirely prevented. However, by talking out problems with the people that you are working with, you are able to get a better idea of any flaws that you may have, and may even learn something new or seek to improve these flaws in order to increase the quality of the work that you are doing. Resolutions to problems can also be solved more efficiently by seeking the advice of other people, preferably those that you are also working closely with because they are those who also understand the situation as you do.